As the current News Coordinator (since September 2016) for Interpret Europe – the European Association for Heritage Interpretation, I edit, proofread and typeset news stories from Interpret Europe (IE) members from around 40 countries for inclusion in quarterly newsletters.

The role also includes proofreading and editing of conference materials, publications and related communications for annual international conferences and events, such as that hosted in Belgium by Herita (2016), in the Czech Republic by SIMID – the Czech Association for Heritage Interpretation (2017), in Hungary by KÖME – the Hungarian Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (2018), in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 2MB (2019), the first online web conferences hosted by IE in 2020 and 2021, and back to in-person in Romania hosted by AICI Architecture Studio (2023) . This includes acting as a native English speaking proofreader for authors for whom English is not their first language. Click on the images below to view some of the publications or here to see all IE published materials.